Tuesday, October 25, 2011
保险资金三季度加仓明显 偏爱超级大盘股
在大盘持续探底的三季度,无论是社保基金,还是保险资金,都在逆市抄底。数据显示,截至10月25日,从已公布三季报的上市公司前十大流通股东名单观察,三季度社保基金加仓68只个股,保险资金加仓123只个股。社保基金、保险 ... 保险资金三季度加仓明显 偏爱超级大盘股
Chávez dice que el médico que le dio dos
Caracas, 26 oct (EFE).- El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, tildó hoy de "gran embustero" al médico Salvador Navarrete, quien dijo que al mandatario le quedaban dos años de vida y que había sido doctor de su familia, en una reciente entrevista con ... Chávez dice que el médico que le dio dos
iPad 3 pass on sale next spring
Apple's new Tablet PC rumors fastest in five months come. Apple news from Japan website "Macotakara" reported that Apple was launched in March next year, the fastest Tablet PC iPad 3, said to the new port of the base plate smaller than the iPad 2 means that the thinner, but with Apple's other products or The accessory is experiencing compatibility issues. "Macotakara" quoted "reliable sources in Asia," said China's ...iPad 3 pass on sale next spring
Parlamento de Brasil también condena el bloqueo económico a Cuba
Brasilia.- El grupo parlamentario Brasil – Cuba conformado por unos 200 senadores y diputados condenaron de forma unánime el bloqueo económico de Estados Unidos al país de la isla. La coordinadora de este grupo solidario, Vanessa Grazziontin, ... Parlamento de Brasil también condena el bloqueo económico a Cuba
La demanda de bienes duraderos en EE.UU. bajó un 0,8 % en septiembre
La demanda de bienes duraderos en EE.UU. cayó un 0,8 por ciento en septiembre, el tercer descenso en los últimos cuatro meses, aunque las cifras superaron ligeramente el 1 por ciento previsto por los analistas, informó hoy el Gobierno. ... La demanda de bienes duraderos en EE.UU. bajó un 0,8 % en septiembre
Northern Italy hit by torrential rain caused at least eight people were killed 6 people missing
ROME October 26 (Reporter Wang Yun added) 26, according to Italian media reports, recently hit by torrential rain hit northern Italy, has been at least eight people were killed, six missing, hundreds of local residents forced the temporary evacuation. It is reported that heavy rains caused landslides and mudslides washed away bridges and roads, ...Northern Italy hit by torrential rain caused at least eight people were killed 6 people missing
Nokia unveils first Windows phones
By Tarmo Virki and Georgina Prodhan LONDON (Reuters) - Nokia unveiled its long-awaited first Microsoft Windows phones on Wednesday, betting on the two sleek new models to get it back into the race with Apple and Google. The two new smartphones, ... Nokia unveils first Windows phones
[KS] 'gisedeungdeung' ryujungil director, "will not be targeting jangwonsam easier"
[Gwongibeom News] Samsung ryujungil director for kicks, I will hold the second leg sweep up. Too strong a source of confidence mound. The manor giyong three of them as a starter at the height of the condition of the singgeulbeonggeul dalhae flow is directed. Samsung Korea in the last 25 days in the first round series 2-0 rallied to wanseung. ...[KS] 'gisedeungdeung' ryujungil director, "will not be targeting jangwonsam easier"
专家:嫦娥2号或赴小行星 中国月球车可走10公里
昨天(25日),在由省科协主办的"第二届江苏省自然科学学术活动月"的启动仪式上,国家空间科学与深空探测领域首席专家,被称为"嫦娥之父"的叶培建院士做了《探索太空,服务人类》的精彩报告,让人们领略了太空的奥秘和未 ... 专家:嫦娥2号或赴小行星 中国月球车可走10公里
订东北网彩信手机报,移动发KTDBW到10658333,联通发DBWY到1065566600,电信发DBWY到10628999。 10月20日至28日,广东举行第二届省农运会。据报道,此前组委会向全省各地市发出"英雄帖",但深圳选择弃权。深圳农林渔业局 ... 深圳弃权省农运会的是与非
Democrats, johyeonoh sheriff needs immediate resignation!
Hongseongryong reporter [joeun News = hongseongryong News] Democrats Incheon Funeral Home Gangster concern that asking for the resignation of Police Commissioner naseotda johyeonoh. Briefing on the 26th Democrat spokesman gimyujeong through the park, "police commissioner to be solely responsible for their own mistakes without dwirohan 'use guns to be immortal and cries ...Democrats, johyeonoh sheriff needs immediate resignation!
晨报讯 据新华社电 中国驻安哥拉大使馆官员10月24日紧急与罗安达警察刑侦局交涉,要求安哥拉警方迅速调查中国浙江籍商人楼永镇23日在罗安达南郊本菲卡区被劫匪枪杀一案,尽快破案和缉拿凶手,并切实加强对在安哥拉 ... 中国商人在安哥拉被劫杀
统计数据泄密问题受到严查。国家保密局、最高检24日通报,去年5月以来,我国国家宏观经济数据多次被泄露,已立案侦查6件6人。其中,国家统计局干部孙振、中国人民银行干部伍超明因犯故意泄露国家秘密罪分别获刑5年、6年 ... 堵住数据泄密的"利益缺口"
Department of Housing: 2011 security room before the end of November will be fully open
Department of Housing Minister Jiang Weixin, October 25 report to the NPC Standing Committee of affordable housing in urban construction and management work, said that the end of September this year, 10 million units of affordable housing starts 9.86 million units, all started prior to the end of November. Jiang Weixin said, "1025" period will focus on affordable housing development ...Department of Housing: 2011 security room before the end of November will be fully open
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